Monday, September 19, 2011

Indeterminacy Project: "The Profile"

Step 1: Use the website:

Leave the obscurity factor for 20.

Take 1 female name and 1 male name and write them down.

Step 2: Use those name and type them in google.

Use the first profile image you find that matches the name.

Use this image as the profile image.

Step 3: Use the website:

List this under location or hometown within the profile.

Step 4: Use the website:

Hit the randomize button once.

Add information as “occupation”

Step 5: Use the website:

Hit the Try again button.

Add information as “studied”

Step 6: Use the website and randomize between 1-11

Take the number and match it according to this chart:

1(single)2(in a relationship)3(engaged)4(married)5(its complicated)6(In an open relationship)7(widowed)8(seperated)9(divorce)10(in a civil union)11(divorce)

Add information as “relationship status”

Step 7: Use the website:

Add information as “favourite quote”

Step 8: Compile this information to create a profile for the individual.


The original project was a “failure.” I love the conceptual aspect of the final project, but nothing would be expressed in the video that was created. I used a name generator and location generator and came up with 10 profiles (originally 75). I used this to look of each person and sent them a message saying:

Hello ,

My name is Philip Yango and I am doing a video arts piece that has to do with randomly generated information. You have been selected randomly from a computer program first from location to letter of last name to the number of searched result on Facebook. I just ask a favor, send me something about yourself. It can be anything from a 5 second video of yourself staring into the camera or just a single word.

The finished product will be sent to you in time. I would like to thank you for your participation or even lack of being that you will leave a blank slide where there was not response. [Your information will not be presented unless that is your response]

Some ideas of what to send back:

Short video


cool youtube video link

a song


a word

favorite colour

or just nothing

Thank you again, I will collect the data at the end of the week and have the video as soon as possible."

I wanted to compile a video that expresses ones response to this message. This would give unique perspectives from a random sample of persons. It shows people’s views on ignoring a message, seriousness of the project or creativity. However, no one has gotten back to me, so there would have been 10 blank slides. Like I said, exciting conceptually, but not much to discuss. So the project I created instead deals with juxtaposition.


From the start the project is to change ones view on identity. When looking at one’s identity, because of social networking websites, we look for key highlights. Such as location, relationship status or job. I used a number of random generators to create these separate profiles. These profiles are not completely random however, but the result expressed create a juxtaposition within the nature of an online profile. The people matched with the statistics seem strange.

Try one with your own pictures!

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